Tag Archives: capitalism

“Empty Your Stocking” – UN Arms Trade Treaty – What does it mean?

It is nearing Christmas and everyone is beginning to feel the familiar winter cheer. Some of us stay in bed that extra 10 minutes and rush to the steaming shower; all for a seconds less shiver. But who doesn’t love to hate the winter chill, and the warm fires and food to make up for it?

Well this year there may be more of us who develop a distaste toward the magical time of Christmas, and sadly more of our American friends than any other. Luckily, it isn’t Santa that will let us down, but Barrack Obama and his rapidly growing ‘executive arm’ pushing against his own people.

On the 24th December, Christmas Eve, the United States of America will face one of the biggest breaches of its constitution since it’s very implementation and ratification in December 1791. The United Nations ‘Arms Trade Treaty’ (or ATT in short), which was first proposed in June 2013, threatens to undermine the very constitution the USA was built upon. Barrack Obama has agreed to sign legislation into effect which will fundamentally empower the state government once more, and equally weaken the power, sovereignty and freedom of the American people.

The constitutional right to own, buy, sell, trade or transfer weapons, firearms and munitions from Christmas Eve will be officially banned as of the 24th December under the UN’s ATT, and Obama is keen to oversee the transition of control over the American population.

The second amendment states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, and those men who debated, drafted and wrote this historic document were not just gung-ho hillbillies. These men were incredibly serious about the dangers centralised powers and tyrants posed, and they were incredibly keen to spread the means of real power, force, amongst the population, in case they should ever need to fight for their freedom again (as they had in the American War of Independence).

After all, a fair distribution of real force should equal lasting peace, for fear of mutual destruction, or mass chaos. Conversely, a monopoly of force constitutes a monopoly of power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the old adage goes.

It took a bloody civil war, fought against the British, for those men to learn the value of freedom. Many of us today, across the world, forget what our fathers and forefathers had fought for throughout the many wars that have occurred over the past centuries. Fittingly, Remembrance Sunday on the 9th November was a memorable date for many, as it marked 100 years since the beginning of the First World War. Many people across the west stopped to remember those who had died for the sake of preserving others freedoms; if only people could look back more often to remind themselves of how, and why, we have come to live in such prosperous times in comparison.

When the time came for a constitution to be written, and equally a bill of rights to be formulated, these well-respected and highly educated men decided upon the second most important right for American citizens. Above that of the protection from forced searches and seizures, and even above the preservation of innocence before guilt, was the ownership of arms for the protection and preservation of self (and family) against the will of tyrants.

It is difficult to remind people today the dangers of government, as we are always being reminded (by our governments incidentally) of how ‘democratic’ and ‘charitable’ our leaders are; particularly when fighting foreign wars for ‘increased security’ at home, allegedly. Many wrongly believe that governments are solely in existence for our benefit, and many ignore or forget the numerous scandals, lies and mis-truths we have been fed by our representatives over the last centuries, resulting in injustice and deceit.

It is now well known (to historians and the learned alike) that the biggest killer of the 20th century wasn’t genocide, world war or even disease and homicide, no. The sole biggest killer of the 20th century was ‘Democide’ – countless murders at the hands of democratic governments.

Many hard working, traditional Americans know this fact, and the signing of the ATT, and Obamas support for such a treaty, should strike fear into the eyes of millions.


Well those who keep their ear to the ground, and listen to the ripples of financial instability, should be familiar with the growing number of ‘dollar-collapse’ warnings.

Financially, the Federal Reserve has been printing it’s way out of financial collapse for decades, and it is only able to do so, due to the dollars strong standing as the world’s reserve currency (and also due to the ‘petrodollar’ system which requires the sale of oil in USD). Without these two fundamental pillars supporting the fed and it’s ongoing printing programme, the USD will eventually implode with vigour and destructive results, affecting millions of innocent American families.

Politically, we are beginning to see the slow erosion of these two pillars supporting the US dollar. Firstly, each of these rely on foreign support, investment and confidence. America’s popularity has been dwindling for many years now, since she decided to police many of the world’s conflicts including Ukraine, Libya, Syria and of course Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Russian, Chinese and Brazilian support has never been weaker, and with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) bank beginning operations next year – rivalling the IMF and The World Bank – the world may see a complete U-turn of wealth and investment from West to East (as has already been seen in the media of recent, with two massive gas pipeline deals being made between Russia and China last week).

Another interesting turn-of-the-tide, in this tale of gradual collapse, is Saudi Arabian Oil. Saudi Arabia have always united with America (and Britain) under their joint programme of dislike toward Iran. With ISIS growing in the Middle East region, and with Barrack Obama’s ‘secret’ discussions with Iranian diplomats and officials, it is likely the Saudi princes and officialdom will gradually grow to dislike such discussion, and we could see the Petrodollar become undone in favour of a more stable and more loyal alternative.

But what does this have to do with gun-control?

The dollar collapse is a real potential threat, and many respected and experienced economists and analysis have warned of it’s impending reality. Why has this situation been allowed to persevere?

Tyranny of leadership, and corruption and greed amongst the western financial institutions is one answer. Austerity and financial collapse being forms of mass deception and robbery is another. It is the western leaders and financiers that have paved the way for such collapse in many cases, and it is individual gain and greed which has compelled them. These men behind the shadows know the ‘collapse’ will happen, and when it does, it will make 2008 look like a dress rehearsal. They also fear, when the collapse does finally culminate, like a modern French Revolution, the people will be out for blood, and it will be the bankers, the lawmakers and the upper echelon of power they will beckon for.

The ATT is a clearly defined and well-devised plan for a means of limiting the damage before it hits with all it’s fervour and anger.

Article 2.3 in the treaty states; “this treaty shall not apply to the international movement of conventional arms by, or on behalf of, a state party for its use provided that the conventional arms remain under that state party’s ownership”.

In plain English: only the ruling party, or established authority, can hold and trade arms – not the citizens. Monopolising the power and weakening the people provides an ever greater buffering zone to continue such elicit attacks on liberty, as have already taken place over the past numerous decades.

Article 5; “each state party shall… Implement this treaty in a consistent; objective and non-discriminatory manner… [and] establish and maintain a national control system…”

Article 14; “each state party shall take appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the treaty.”

Many critics of the libertarian, tea-party type, would argue the world has changed, and there is no place for violence and gun ownership anymore. Echoes of school shootings on campuses and the like, and crazed killers rampaging through streets are often cited as well rounded reasons for such legislation – and I would be compelled to agree.

However, when Americas police have been caught committing acts of violence upon innocents on video, sometimes even murder (just as those in the school shooting incidents had for instance) I would argue, now more than ever, it is imperative to keep guns, as they represent the last bastion of personal security and safety from tyranny.

The Ferguson shooting, and many others which came before or followed, were examples of the monopolising force of the state at work. When the eventual ‘collapse’ occurs, with blood and money smeared on the fat hands of bankers, diplomats and politicians, how does the American population hope to install justice and order within society without an appropriate balance of power over the many tyrants that lurk in and around Wall Street and the White House.

[If you would like to read the ATT bill for yourself, the link is as follows: https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/English7.pdf ]

Written by Taylor Edwards

Right-Brain Reviews // @LeftBrainNews

Check out the other side of your pink matter for news and reports coming all day everyday from across the political, social, economic world – @LeftBrainNews

